The idea was formed on 28th January 2022 when a group of like-minded individuals came together via Messenger and discussed the formation of a new poultry rescue and re-homing organisation. That rescue organisation is called Chicken Rescue UK CIC. We are a registered CIC, a Community Interest Company, that is exclusively run by volunteers on a not-for-profit basis.

Although, we are a new group we have volunteers with years and years of practical and organisational experience re-homing all types of poultry with other groups. They have worked tirelessly with farmers on farms, transported poultry around the country to collection points, run collection points and held hens in ‘hen banks’ for subsequent re-homing, all completely voluntarily for the love of the birds.
Our volunteers have run exhibitions to promote the re-homing of all types of poultry at country fairs and helped educate the public on where their eggs come from.
We offer ongoing support to our re-homers and training to our volunteers.
Chicken people are lovely people. Please consider re-homing a couple or more hens in your garden or smallholding. Chickens are lovely, entertaining creatures, with surprising personalities. Once set up with your coop and run/outside space they are surprisingly cheap to keep and you will likely be rewarded with a few really lovely fresh eggs for your friends and family.
If you would like to join us as a volunteer (experienced or not) or you would like to re-home from us, then please contact us, we would be absolutely delighted to hear from you.